Invest in growth startups & SMEs shaping the future of Asia.

Our dedicated & professional investment team finds, analyzes and selects the most promising start-ups and growth SMEs across APAC, increasing the likelihood of returns.

  • 100+ deals sourced & vetted yearly
  • Focus on startups & SMEs
  • Sector agnostic


We source & vet deals so you can focus on building your portfolio.

Professionally Assessed Deals

SVX’s dedicated, professional investment team conducts a thorough analysis to identify and select the most promising growth companies for you.

This reduces risk and increases the likelihood of positive returns.

Efficient Use of Capital

Professional deal sourcing & assessment is expensive. We save you the time, effort & cost.

SVX’s investment team handles sourcing, analysis and negotiations (such as valuation and terms) and ensures that only the top value for money opportunities are presented to you.

Flexible Investment Options

SVX gives you the opportunity to participate in syndicated investments, which means you can be involved with larger million-dollar deals, but by investing only a small amount, tailored to your risk appetite.

Moreover, you get a chance to choose whether you want to be an active or passive investor.

We’re a leading investment network in Asia Pacific.

members who have invested & supported companies across Asia Pacific

investment opportunities presented to our members every year

invested by our team over the past decade across Asia Pacific

We run an professional process that delivers outstanding results.

Frequent Communication

SVX Ventures offers high frequency of communication & updates on prospective investments as well as past investments made – both online and in-person.

Professional Team

SVX’s operates a fully, professional team dedicated to sourcing, analyzing, assessing & recommending investment opportunities – just like a VC or PE firm.

High Hit Rate

Over 70% of the fundraising processes SVX promotes are successfully complete and +50% triple value withing 18 months.

Critical Mass

SVX operates one of the largest investment networks across Asia Pacific, making it both a networking hub – and a recognizable capital pool.

Regional Network

SVX Ventures operates across multiple countries in Asia Pacific, pooling the best risk-adjusted deals & teams across the region that suit your individual portfolio.

Fair Deal Terms

We focus on providing deal terms that benefit both companies & investors, ensuring incentives align for all parties in the long run.


Your capital is fueling the growth of Asia Pacific.

When it comes to investing, the best options are those who grant a mix of certainty, returns and growth. At SVX Ventures, we go one step further and offer an investment experience that focuses not only on financial gain, but also on creating lasting value and impact.

For us, investing isn’t just a transaction – it’s a partnership. When you invest with SVX Ventures in start-ups or growth SMEs, you’re not just investing in companies with a potential for financial upside – you’re backing visions, dreams and future success stories.

Our job is to help your capital work for you by helping steer the teams implementing those visions create a future we can all be proud of.


You’re one step away from making a difference in the companies shaping the future of APAC. To start investing through SVX book a meeting with our Head of Partner Relations today to:

  • Review your background & goals
  • Understand current investment opportunities
  • Clarify questions about SVX and our process

Frequently Asked Questions

How does SVX select companies to invest?

Our professional investment team dedicates time to perform source, do in-depth analysis and identify the most promising investment opportunities for you.

We apply a broad strategy to selecting the most promising companies, both through inbound and outbound channels. This includes industry analysis, outreach, collaboration with VC funds, participation in events, partnerships with universities, direct approaches, and our extensive network that has been built up over several years.

In a world where many companies are seeking capital, it’s important for investors to be selective and thorough. Our team facilitates this process by saving you over 500 hours of work monthly, often spending sourcing, screening, negotiating, and meeting with potential companies. We guarantee that our partners are only presented with top-tier opportunities, with only 1-2% of assessed startups passing our strict criteria and being allowed to pitch.

Who can invest?

Everyone. As an SVX partner, you are invited to invest in any of the cases we present that you feel fit your portfolio goals.

What am I expected to do as an investor?

As an investor, it’s up to you to choose the investment opportunities that appeal to you the most and determine your investment amount in the selected cases. Our investment team will support and guide you through the entire process.

Is it possible to be a passive investor?

It is always possible to invest passively. The type of involvement an investor can have depends on each individual investment.

What stage of investment does SVX focus on?

We sometimes also structure secondaries (i.e. existing investors of late stage, more established companies exiting their positions).

How do I get started?

SVX makes it easy for you to get started in your investment journey. When you sign up as a partner, you get immediate access to current and upcoming investment opportunities.

To join or get more information, you can book a meeting with us here.

Do you invest only in Equity?

Most of our investments are made through the purchase of unlisted shares (i.e. direct equity investments). Occasionally, we also do debt investments through convertible notes.

Is there a minimum I need to invest per round?

Minimum investments vary from investor to investor – and deal to deal. But we usually accept a minimum of USD 5,000 per investment.

Does SVX also invest in each round?

Yes, SVX typically co-invests with our partners in the companies presented. This allows us to keep incentives aligned and gives investors a peace of mind knowing we put our money where our suggestions are.