Who sits on your board can make or break your company. Accelerate your company’s growth with the right board of directors or advisory board that can strengthen your business. Whether you’re looking for industry experts, strategic advisors or leaders, we help you piece it together.


We open the doors to experts who take you to the next level.

High Culture & Competency Match

SVX submits all board & advisor candidates through a rigorous selection process to ensure companies are presented with partners that match your their specific business and culture needs.

Regional Network

SVX offers you the tools to expand regionally in a seamless manner.

Access an extensive, regional network of the highly skilled and experienced board members and advisors across a vast number of industries that can help you even cross border.

Personalized Support

SVX assists you throughout the process of securing board members – not only with matching but also with negotiation & structuring in case you need.

Whatever your company needs, you support you with a tailored solution that fits your needs.

We’re a leading investment network in Asia Pacific.

members who have invested & supported companies across Asia Pacific

board & advisory positions placed across Asia Pacific

in value unlocked through advisors & board members placed over the past decade


We make finding the right expertise simple.

Analyze your Needs

To ensure a perfect match between your needs and potential advisors or board members, we map out desired skills, experience and cultural aspects. That helps us narrow down our pool of candidates to a select few who may be a match.

Narrow Down Candidate Pool

Upon initial screening, our selection team then runs in-person interviews with experienced industry professionals who carefully assess and validate the profile’s competencies to match your needs.

Match Companies & Candidates

Once candidates have been vetted, the matching process begins. Our team passes on candidates to you and supports you with professional advice, contract drafting, and all subsequent steps in the process, ensuring a seamless experience for all parties.


You’re one step away from making a difference in the companies shaping the future of APAC. To start investing through SVX book a meeting with our Head of Partner Relations today to:

  • Review your background & goals
  • Understand current investment opportunities
  • Clarify questions about SVX and our process

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a board member and an advisor?

Although there similarities between both roles, board members and advisors have fundamentally different roles – and impact in a company.

First, the similarities: both advisors (or advisory boards) and board members (or the board of directors) aim to improve corporate governance and performance. They do this through situational analysis, recommendations, remarks, network opening and many other avenues.

Next, the differences: while advisors (or advisory board) only provide advice, board members (or the board as a whole) have a wide-range of powers, including overriding the CEO’s or management decisions if and when necessary. Members of advisory boards have no legal or financial responsibility, unlike board members who bear some responsibility and are subject to legal obligations. This means that board members also need insurance, while advisory board members usually do not.

Meeting preparation and frequency of meetings can vary, but in general, board meetings require more in-depth preparation and may have a set meeting frequency compared to advisory boards. With greater responsibility and work intensity on boards often comes greater compensation than on advisory boards.

SVX helps remove some of these complexities by helping you map out what you need and connecting candidates that are a functional & cultural match with your company.

How do board members & advisors help my company?

Board members & advisors can provide strategic guidance, open doors and make connections so you can scale your business faster and more efficiently.

SVX’s network of partners taps into individuals with extensive regional experience and strong business acumen that is often crucial for companies in their growth stage.

We help match advisors or board candidates to your business based on their unique skills and background. These people could be seasoned entrepreneurs or functional experts in areas such as sales, procurement, product development, go-to-market strategies, marketing, law & government relations.

Is this an expensive process?
What value do SVX’s advisor partners bring to a company?

Our members bring solid experience and strong business acumen that can be crucial for growth companies.

We match members to your business based on their unique skills and background. These range from experienced entrepreneurs to experts in areas such as sales, procurement, product development, go-to-market strategies, marketing and law. With this diverse network of partners, we are equipped to help your business grow and scale.

What is the process for working on placements with SVX?

If all parties agree, we then move forward with a formal search, validation, screening and vetting of candidates before passing these onto to you for further assessment.